

So I’m no longer a student unfortunately, but I’m from Newcastle upon Tyne and am currently working in London in Higher Education after a whistle stop tour of various universities. I’m usually to be found pining for the quiet, calm, wide (and admittedly potholed) roads of Northumberland, I’m found commuting around London and being introduced to all the “really hard” (…) climbs in Surrey. I also adore Majorca when I can get there, but when I have free time (unfortunately not as much as when I was a student) I’m probably trying to eke out some more time to go/read about cycling.

This blog should hopefully offer a fresher, more creative approach to writing about cycling, instead of some identikit article you could find on any site. Hopefully we’ll me merging past and present, the visual and the analytical to create some articles that are enjoyable to read, and don’t come across as pretentious as that last sentence no doubt did!

5 thoughts on “About

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  1. I’ve just read your fascinating and i must say very well written article about the Sa Collabra climb which I will attempt when we go on holiday there in June.
    The reason I read your blog was because having seen aerial photos I am a tad anxious about getting to the bottom in one piece so your advice about the buses is welcome. I note that you didn’t comment about the apparent lack of crash barriers which was my biggest concern before reading your post. Particularly if I end up descending at speed. Was this an issue for you at all?
    When we stayed at Puerto de Soller last year I noticed that there was a ferry up the coast to Sa Collabra which could be an alternative way to get to the start. It must be fairly well used by cyclists as there was a sign requesting that shoes with cleats are removed before going up the gangway!
    I have saved your blog to my favourites as I want to read some more of your stories. Good luck with your studies.

    1. Hi Peter, thanks for the kind feedback.
      There are definitely crash barriers along the route: if you need convincing Google Street view has now been down the climb (https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/07315+Port+de+Sa+Calobra,+Illes+Balears,+Spain/@39.831465,2.815809,3a,75y,210.3h,67.58t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sz2pRnEZgVsd5UvN26cXgAA!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x1297ddc22e75a9d7:0x76dbb331c5b23443 – hopefully that works) and shows that anywhere that you’d expect there to be one, there is one. Luckily my cowardice at descending means I’d never really contemplated going over the edge, but there’s definitely always something there to stop you doing so if you’re a skilled descender!
      There is indeed a ferry around from Soller that you can take bikes on – I haven’t been on it, but I know plenty who have who say it’s a nice relaxing way to see a bit more of the coast of the island, although obviously if you love descending then you’re missing out on that route. Hope that helps!

  2. Hi Simon,

    Let me begin to say that I enjoy your blog very much. Especially the amount of detail that you put in every article make it a good read for a cycling fanatic like me.
    I myself keep on finding interesting topics which I then have to dive into to the bottom. Hence why I leave this reply. I’d like to get in touch with you by email to ask you for some help on one of these topics. Hopefully I hear from you.


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