2012 Review: Riders of the Year

It's the end of a cycling year that will go down in the annals as a big one for the British, a bad one for the Americans, and with some great racing, albeit not as good as the preceding couple of years, under its belt. I've thus finally got around to collating the top ten... Continue Reading →

When Cycling Karma Strikes

People in sport, as in life, cheat. It is an unfortunate fact that this is the case, but luckily, there is something in the cosmos that occasionally seems to balance out the actions of naughty riders. At least, this is what four seasons of My Name is Earl taught me - do good and you... Continue Reading →

The Demise of the National Champions Jersey

Going through the new 2013 jerseys, as they have been slowly announced this week, feels a little like opening your Christmas presents a week early. It been interesting to note however that the national champions jerseys have been slow to materialise, if at all, and certainly there are very few, again if any, former national... Continue Reading →

2012 Review: Top Ten Most Exciting Races

10. Marco Marcarto, Paris-ToursParis-Tours was good fun as usual this year as the breakaway dueled with the sprinters, before John Deglenkob left the sprinter camp and broke away single handedly, but failed to catch the break. Ahead, the break was busy messing around and trying to get each other disqualified. General all round fun for... Continue Reading →

Tour de France 2014 Yorkshire Grand Depart – My Route

So it would seem that Leeds will be the Grand Depart city of the 2014 Tour de France, beating off Edinburgh, Florence et all to take the crown jewel position.Unfortunately, they didn't discover my idea for a Northumberland Grand Depart (https://sicycle.wordpress.com/2012/08/20/an-alternative-british-bid-for-the-tour-de-france-northumberlandnewcastle-upon-tyne/) so we'll have to make do with Leeds. Of course, we should be happy... Continue Reading →

2013 Cycling Jerseys

It's that dull part of the year where cycling is hard, nothings happening and you're piling on the Christmas pounds. You've got 2013 to look forward to though, so to whet your appetites, here's some sneak peaks of next years kits, which I'll update as they come in. They won't be properly announced until at... Continue Reading →

Sky Alumni – The 21 men who left

Team Sky have made seven new signings for 2013, which will bring the number of riders who have ridden for the team up to an impressive 48. But of those men, 21 have left the team. Who are these guys? Why did they leave? Read on... 2010 was the Year of Sky's inception, and their... Continue Reading →

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