Cycling Magazines – which is best?

The last couple of months have seen a new entry to the pantheon of cycling magazines, with Cyclist, a magazine that promises to deliver the 'thrill of the ride' and is apparently based out of answers from a questionnaire that asked people 'why do you ride a bike?' Answers apparently included 'to annoy Dail Mail... Continue Reading →

Review: The Road Uphill DVD

Cycling fans are blessed with hours of TV coverage these days, especially if you have Eurosport (or Eurosport Player and a subscription as I do), but curiously, there have been few films made about cycling. There's only one fictional film that I'm aware of, Breaking Away, and then a few documentary films, such as Overcoming,... Continue Reading →

Tour de France 2013: Route Analysis

The 2013 Tour de France was finally announced today, although recent years have seen it leaked online early thanks to the efforts of Thomas Vergouwen, a Dutchman with a penchant for seeing which hotels across France are booked up and in doing so working out the route. I must also apologise to Thomas - an... Continue Reading →

Who is the best sprinter of the last decade?

Cycling growing professionalisation and diverse race calender has meant that nailing down a 'best rider' has become pretty tricky to achieve, even for notoriously talkative cycling fans who love nothing better then arguing their corner on whom it should be. This diversification has separated cyclists into distinct groups, rather then the Merckxian steamrollers of the... Continue Reading →

So long, Rabobank

Ever since I can remember cycling, Rabobank have sponsored a cycling team. They've been doing it since 1996, when I was but 5 years old, and so have been one of the great constants in my cycling life - there has always been a team in orange, the Dutch team, who were there as other... Continue Reading →

The Best of Cycling on YouTube

Thanks to YouTube, there are a plethora of cycling videos getting onto the net now, as well as increase in the number of cycling films. After the inspiring Chasing Legends, Overcoming and the like, we now have documentaries on Cavendish and the Schleck brothers (The Road Uphill) arriving, but in the mean time, here's some... Continue Reading →

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